CRM Virtual

Conselho Regional de Medicina

Acesse agora

Vision statement

To be nationally acknowledged as an institution capable of achieving excellence in the provision of medical services of high ethical and technical quality, meeting the expectations of society, and also to be an instrument for the appreciation and defense of the professional dignity of physicians, contributing to the debate on issues related to health care and medicine.

Mission statement

To promote well-being in society, regulating medical practice by providing standards, supervision, guidance, training, professional development and organization, directly or through the Regional Councils of Medicine (CRMs), as well as to ensure, defend and promote the legal practice of medicine, good professional conduct, and the respect and dignity of the profession, aiming to protect society from medical errors resulting from deficiencies of the healthcare system.


To perform at high ethical standards; be loyal to institutional goals; to be committed to justice, responsibility and transparency; to act in compliance with legislation governing public management; to provide high quality services; and to seek continuous and efficient improvement.

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